Portrait of a Somewhat Young Man
The title of an artwork is a crucial factor that is often overlooked, in immediately contextualising a piece to the viewer. Within my self portraits, I usually use the title as a means of communicating a sense of humour to segway into discourse of the unspoken.
This self portrait and its title are influenced by Glyn Philpott’s ‘Portrait of a Young Man’. At the time of drawing this work I am 29 years old, by no means am I middle aged nor do I feel like a young man - though I suppose I am a somewhat young man.
This work looks to show a glimpse into a stage of life that isn’t often discussed, the transition from being a young adult without responsibility to the next stage of life with more commitments. Words like ‘commitment’ and ‘responsibility’ usually come with negative connotations of pressure or stress but as a recently married homeowner expecting my first child, I see such changes as adding value and a greater purpose to my life on a day to day level.
2025, Ballpoint and coloured felt pens on paper, 104X138mm